President Obama’s Speech – Radio and TV Correspondent’s Dinner

June 20, 2009

Here is President Obama’s speech from last night’s Radio and Television Correspondent’s Dinner:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Obama: The First Few Days

January 23, 2009


We are on day 3 of President Obama’s administration and there has already been some major changes to refocus the country on a better path to get away from the mess ups of our previous President.  President Obama has already limited Lobbyist’s in the White House and has been working on reassessing the technological resources as they are still very much in the dark age at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  The computers are all running on old software, most programs are barred from being used, and theres not even enough telephones for the entire staff to use.  All of this needs to be fixed up just so that the administration can get to work.

There is also a new Comissioner of the FCC, Michael Copps, was sworn in last night and will be a breath of fresh air from Kevin Martin’s regime.  There has been an American missile strike on Pakistan as well, which caused 18 casualties.  This suggests that Obama intends to carry out attacks on Pakistan even though we will be withdrawing from Iraq.  The biggest news is that the FDA is allowing the first test of human stem cell therapy.  I have been a big supporter of this technology to help regrow organs and help with other dehibilitating illnesses.  So far a lot has happened in the first 3 days in office, and it seems as though Obama is going to be a man of his word and follow through with some of his big promises.  We’ll keep you updated on all of the big developments of this new adminsitration.

44th Presidential Inaugeration Recap

January 20, 2009


Barack Obama became the 44th president of the United States on Tuesday afternoon, banishing forever more than 200 years of history during which the office passed from white hands to white hands and promising a new era of “hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.”

Under the Constitution, Obama became president at noon ET, even though he had not formally been sworn in with the inaugural ceremonies running behind schedule. Using his full name, Barack Hussein Obama, the new president took the oath of office at 12:05 p.m. from Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, whose nomination to the court he opposed as the junior Democratic senator from Illinois.

As the crowd chanted “Obama, Obama,” the president thanked his predecessor, George W. Bush, and said he was “humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors.”

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The Obama Mobile

January 13, 2009

Every new President gets their own customized limo from GM.  This ’09 cadillac stretch will be used for Obama and has the ability to withstand a rocket.  The new armored limo is the most highly secure car that GM has made but hopefully will never have to be tested.

Click Image To Enlarge

Obama News

November 7, 2008

Barack Obama is well on his way to make his mark as the hardest working President Elect.  He’s already appointed his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel, the Illinois Democratic Rep.  His next step was to hold a brief press conference today fielding questions about the financial crisis and what he plans on doing about it.  The highlights were that he will be supporting a second stimulus package either before or after he is inaugerated.  The automotive industry is one of his top concerns as well, and he must create new jobs and give companies hiring incentives to knock down the 6.5% unemployment rate.  All tough things to do especially for a person not even in office yet, but Obama has shown a lot of passion and strong work ethic to bringing back prosperity to the country.

One of the more interesting new announcements, was the plans for a documentary on Obama’s 2 1/2 years campaigning to come out on HBO in the spring.  Here’s the story from the Associated Press:

NEW YORK (AP) – HBO has bought the U.S. rights to a behind-the-scenes documentary on Barack Obama’s presidential campaign from actor Edward Norton’s production company.

Filming will continue through the president-elect’s inauguration, with the premiere expected sometime in the spring, the network said Friday. HBO reportedly paid at least $1 million to show the still-untitled film.

Director Amy Rice, working for Norton’s Class 5 Films, had contacted Obama about a potential documentary even before he decided to run for president, HBO said. When Obama started his campaign and it became a success, Rice and fellow director Alicia Sams found themselves in the right place at the right time.

Over 2 1/2 years, the filmmakers had “unprecedented” access to the candidate, his family, friend and campaign volunteers, HBO said. Sam Pollard, editor of HBO’s “When the Levees Broke,” has been hired as film editor.

Election Round-Up

November 5, 2008

It’s 12 hours since Senator Obama stepped off the stage in Chicago’s Grant Park, after delivering an emotional and inspiring speech, outlining the importance of unity from both parties to help bring this country out of the problems its been drowning in and to pave a better future. Obama was by far an underdog in this contest as just 4 years ago he was barely known in the political spectrum. To go from an up and coming junior senator in Illinois, to President elect of the United States is quite a feat. One that very few will be able to emulate. But that was the easy part. Now the real work begins.

The image above is the front page of todays New York Times. The racial barrier has been broken and American minorities have been validated by having a President that finally can truly represent them in office. Will this ease racism in America or do more to fuel it? The proposition to ban gay marriage in California just a short 5 months after it had been granted, has been passed. For every bit of forward progress our society was finally making, just like that in a blink of an eye it can be gone. We can put an African American into office, but we can’t allow a same sex couple to legally spend the rest of their lives together? This is something that should not be tolerated in the year 2008. Equality is a right, not a privelage.

What will happen to Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska. Her notoriety may have done her more harm than good as far as being in a position of leadership. She has made many enemies in her home-state and her allies are now looking out to exploit her weaknesses. In just 67 days, Palin has become a household name. She could certainly have a bright future in entertainment judging by her appearance on SNL and interviews with Katie Couric and Charles Gibson. Could we see a Sarah Palin day time talk show in 2009?

There are many questions which will be answered as we inch towards the inauguration of Obama as the 44th president. Expect for him to stay out of the spotlight over the next 76 days, as much of Obama’s time will be spent to picking his administration and daily briefings on important intelligence. President Bush has vowed to keep Obama informed on all decisions made over his final 3 months in office. Obama will also be spending time mouring the loss of his Grandmother and preparing to move his family into the White House.

There is a lot of work that needs to be done and Obama will have to hit the ground running as he will be inheriting a costly War in Iraq, an economic crisis, a crushed job market, and a health care system in steep decline. Fortunately, if there has been one personality in this election with the charisma, intelligence, and work ethic to bring together a nation, it’s been Barack Obama. This decisive victory has put to rest a lot of skeptical critics and political pundits, while inspiring the formerly apathetic with a renewed sense of hope in the American dream. The country has been due for major change, and finally we have a President who is worthy of bringing it.

Barack Obama elected President

November 4, 2008


Barack Obama has been elected the 44th president of the United States in a virtual landslide election, taking over all of the major swing states and winning the popular vote.  The final vote was 333-146 making Obama the first African American President in history.  This is a victorious night for our nation and CurryPopTart will have updates as they develop. 

I’ve supported Obama since the beginning of 2008 and it’s such an amazing feeling to see him go from a candidate in the primaries that was seen to be not enough competition for Hillary Clinton, to go on and secure the party nomination, to get elected to become our next President.  This is such a historic moment in our history as a country and to be a part of it is quite an honor.  Congratulations go out to everyone on the Obama campaign and to VP Joe Biden as well!  Change is here!

Obama’s Grandmother Passes Away

November 3, 2008

Barack Obama’s grandmother passed away today after a battle with cancer:

“It is with great sadness that we announce that our grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, has died peacefully after a battle with cancer,” Obama said in a joint statement with his sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng. “She was the cornerstone of our family, and a woman of extraordinary accomplishment, strength, and humility.”

Dunham helped raise Obama from the age of 10 while his mother was working in Indonesia, and Obama took an emotional 22-hour trip to Hawaii to visit her on October 23 and 24.

Wazzzzup for OBAMA

October 27, 2008

Hollywood filmmaker Charles Stone has resurfaced with a brand new Wassup commercial that he made famous back in 2000. This one is a commentary on our nation’s current status and endorses Obama for president:

Obama on Letterman

September 11, 2008

Barack Obama was on Letterman last night, attempting to take some press back from McCain/Palin and to commemorate the 7th Anniversary of 9/11 today in NYC. He addresses the “lipstick on a pig” remarks as well.